WHAT IS THE MAFIA? Todays mafia is a group of criminals organized into "families," and operating in different
parts of the world, The main idea of the mafiosi today is to make money,wether it be illegal or legit it doesnt matter. To
make money they do things such as money laundering to turn there dirty (illegal)money into clean (legititmate) money.Mafiosi
of today try to make contacts not enemies, though if anyone challenges their authority they are quickly and brutally erased.
WHERE DID WE COME FROM? The mafia is a, criminally oriented society, ignoring all forms of authority
except their own. Most common form of extortion is the practice of handing out Black Hand notes, which had started in the
1700s. These notes, handed to wealthy citizens, were polite requests for an amount of money in return for protection. Of course,
the only people that these victims needed protection against were the same criminals who handed them these notes. If their
victims do not comply with their requests, they and their family can expect violence, kidnapping, bombings, and murder to
be used against them as convincing arguments. The mafia originated in Sicily.It all started because Sicily is the biggest
island in the Mediterranean Sea, this influenced multiple invasions. Sicilian peasants were little more than slave labour
to their foreign overlords. Thus the Mafia was born, a secret society that provided the poor, oppressed Sicilians with protection,
stability and pride. The Mafia "vendetta" was the Sicilian form of justice. The victimized were quiet and patient.
WHY IS THERE A MAFIA? Why is there a mafiosi? well Vengeance was saved for a future time. Through
the chronic take overs the Golden rule of "omerta" (also roughly meaning honour) was born.The Siclians distrusted
all forms of Government, thus an unwritten rule to leave the government out of private affairs came forth. Vendetta served
justice, for the Sicilians did not trust the Government no longer. Thus the mafia came forth and from then to the present,
it seems the mafia will never die...just multiply
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